Bright and Motivating Content Creation for Instagram


Instagram and social media are an incredibly powerful marketing tools when used correctly. After launching Kettlebells and Cupcakes, I knew it would be an important part of getting my brand out in the world. So I set to work creating a content creation strategy and IG posting schedule.

Most companies have entire teams and departments dedicated to social media and content creation. Quality images take time, and the landscape changes so often that it can be challenging to keep up. Since my team is just myself and my social media manager Kennedy, we also incorporate a few relevant stock photos and inspirational quotes into our monthly rotation.

I try to plan a month in advance, and dedicate one or two days to product and lifestyle photo shoots and editing. Once I have my content created, I share it with Kennedy and she takes care of scheduling posting and adding hashtags. #teamwork

Kettlebells and Cupcakes is a eco-friendly wellness brand, so when creating content I use bright lighting, vibrant colors, and living elements such as flowers and nature to help convey this brand messaging. While creating content is a lot of work, it’s rewarding to be able to present your brand in a way that is informative but also pretty and inviting.

Content Creation for Instagram

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