Colorful and Informative Brand Brief for Influencer Partnerships


A brand brief is extremely important when you are ready to start working with companies and influencers. It allows you to explain your brand mission statement, what you offer, why you are different, and how someone could use your product or service all in one organized place.

Since a brand brief will be one of the first impressions potential collaborators will see, you want it to not only reflect your brand aesthetic, but also easily explain what your product/service is all about and put your brand messaging front and center.

After I launched my products, I started working with health and fitness companies as well as wellness and beauty influencers. I needed a concise but informative packet that explained everything about the company, Kettlebells and Cupcakes, and the products. So I put together this 15 page brief. (Another perk of putting together a brand brief is that it forces you to articulate your special sauce, something you’ll need to repeat in a quick and dirty way over and over)

For this project, I used the same color palate, fonts, and imaging from the website, and laid out all the information in a clear and inviting way. This was made using InDesign, something I highly recommend learning/using if you need to produce a lot of presentations and/or info packets. The design versatility is so much greater than PowerPoint.

While this ended up being a time consuming project (it’s harder than you think to clearly organize everything), it paid off! Not only was it incredibly handy to have on hand to send potential collaborators, I was repeatedly told it was one of the best brand briefs they’d received. Time well spent!

Brand Brief for Kettlebells and Cupcakes

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