Inviting and Collaborative Brand Photo Shoot for Instagram Giveaway


I liked this project a Bunch!

This was a really fun (and somewhat spontaneous) brand collaboration and photo shoot. I met Jen through at a networking event when I first moved to LA, and we instantly hit it off.

She founded a brand called Bunch, a vegan ice-cream company that uses old about-to-be-thrown-out bananas and clean ingredients to make its ice-cream. My brand, Kettlebells and Cupcakes, is a clean vegan protein powder, and we knew pretty soon after we both launched, that it would make since to collab.

We got together for coffee on a Saturday, and after looking at our perspective social media calendars, we decided that the next Friday would be best for our giveaway. That meant we’d need collateral and photos to post by the next Wednesday. So we made plans for a Sunday/weekend shoot for the next day.

We decided the best use of both of our products was to make a healthy(ier) chocolate shake. Food photography is fun, but ice-cream photography can be stressful! You only get about a five to maybe ten minute window where your subject looks good. We worked fast, and luckily we only needed a few different images for this campaign!

We had a great time laughing, eating our creations, and working together. I interviewed Jen for my kbcc blog, and you’d be surprised what she had to say about the ice-cream industry! Check out the full interview here.

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