Movie Review: Little Women (2019)

Overall Rating:

For some reason I wasn’t overly excited to see this one. I think it’s because I loved the original, and watched it over and over again with my sister as a kid, so I wasn’t sold on the idea of a remake. But Sean kept pushing it because he was hearing good things in the industry, so we finally went this past Saturday. It was delightful and I’m not sure why I put it off. The acting is superb, the writing is brilliant, and the directing is captivating. It’s incredibly easy and enjoyable to watch. Lots of feels (and maybe even a few tears), highly recommend!


Coming of Age


Great update of a classic. I haven’t read the book, but once I realized this was a Greta Gerwig film, I realized immediately why I loved it so much. We are the same age and clearly grew up with at least some of the same influences. I adored Lady Bird, and found the same connection to my childhood with this film. The way she weaved in and out of each sister’s story was fluid, and each scene, while individual in nature, helped to tell the overall story of Little Women.


Fantastic, but again, once I realized it was Gerwig, I wasn’t surprised. She’s very good at telling a captivating and entertaining story. The sets and costumes are also perfect, and for a few hours you feel like you are genuinely experiencing what life must have been like for these girls in the 1800’s.


Captivating, the cast had amazing chemistry, and I’m now officially obsessed with Timothy Chalamet. Each character has a unique personality that is perfectly suited for the actor playing the role. The bond between the sisters is palatable and special, even when it comes in conflict with their individual goals. It was a delight to watch this cast bring the story to life.


When I think back to watching this film, it makes me smile. I also know that if I was flipping through channels one day (or more realistically scrolling through the Netflix home screen) looking for something to watch on a random evening and saw this, I would watch it again. Very few movies fall into this “re-watch worthy” category for me, even if I enjoyed it (there are just too many other things to enjoy!). The whimsical nature of the writing, and the care detail that went into the sets, casting, and creation of the movie are what makes this special and fun to watch.

It’s also not just a chick flick! Sean loved it (but really, he’s an actor who loves movies, so…), but as we were leaving the theater a bro in front of us who was clearly dragged by his girlfriend said to her, “you know, that wasn’t as bad a I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it!” So don’t let the title throw you, it’s great and is a must watch.